Garden Lights tickets are on sale here. The Edmondston-Alston House will be closed for annual maintenance from February 5-14.

Historic Preservation Month at Middleton Place

Category: History

Did you know Charleston, South Carolina, is widely considered the birthplace of historic preservation in the United States? Moreover, did you know that May is celebrated as Historic Preservation Month? Nearly a century ago, in 1931, Charleston City Council adopted the “Planning and Zoning Ordinance,” which became a significant milestone in the local and national preservation movement of the early 20th century. However, the passion for preserving historic houses and landmarks dates farther back, and Charlestonians have always believed in preserving the built environment.

The Latin motto on the city seal, “She guards her buildings, customs, and laws,” dates back to 1790 and reflects Charleston’s commitment to preserving its unique cultural heritage. That same commitment is also present within the mission of the Middleton Place Foundation, established in 1974. Both Middleton Place and the Edmondston-Alston House have demonstrated remarkable resilience, withstanding the direct impacts of numerous hurricanes, floods, wars, and an earthquake. Despite these formidable challenges, they stand today as museums that the public can visit to immerse themselves in our shared American history.

Preservation remains a core tenant of our mission as we strive to maintain both sites and interpret their historical significance. Our efforts range from physical conservation, such as the restoration of the Middleton Place Stableyards in the early 1970s, to the exterior preservation work of the Edmondston Alston House in the 2000s and 2020s. The Foundation also places a strong emphasis on digital preservation efforts, such as the newly digitized archives on the Lowcountry Digital Library website, which includes collections from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.

Middleton Place and the Edmondston-Alston House are not just preserving our sites and their stories, but also ensuring they will remain alive for generations to come. As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, our preservation efforts are not just a reflection of our past but a commitment to the future needs of our site. Whether protecting Highway 61 and stewarding the gardens through climate change at Middleton Place or safeguarding the Edmondston Alston House from rising water levels, the Foundation’s mission is unwavering in its commitment to excellence in preserving our past for the future.

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