Garden Lights tickets are on sale here. The Edmondston-Alston House will be closed for annual maintenance from February 5-14.

Preservation. Research. Education.

Middleton Place Foundation uses historic preservation, documented research and authentic interpretation to inspire people to deepen and broaden their perspectives, all through a profound exploration of American history. The Foundation is a not-for-profit educational trust and relies on the generosity of donors and supporters. Please consider making a gift today.

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Ways to Support Our Mission

Annual Fund

A gift to the Foundation’s Annual Fund fulfills critical needs including educational interpretive programs, deferred maintenance, and capital improvements.

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Middleton Scholars Education Assistance Fund

The Middleton Place Foundation Education Assistance Fund directly supports educational advancement in the Middleton Place African American Descendant Community.

Thank you for supporting this important fund as we work towards a better future.

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Stableyards Heritage Breeds

Your donation helps us sustain the heritage breeds program, including high-quality care of the animals in the Stableyards and educational programming support.

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Bench and Tree Program

The Bench and Tree Program offers donors a way to create a unique and meaningful tribute to celebrate a milestone or honor a loved one, while supporting the preservation of America’s Oldest Landscaped Gardens.

Planned Giving

A gift through stocks and securities, your retirement plan, or as part of a will or living trust benefits you, your loved ones and Middleton Place forever. As a planned gift donor, you enjoy lower income, estate, and capital gains taxes – and have the opportunity to honor a loved one through naming opportunities. Consult your financial advisor or tax advisor to explore planned giving gifts.

Contact Us

Ways to Give

In addition to giving online, you can support Middleton Place Foundation by making a contribution through securities, wire transfers, IRA, and donor advised funds. For details, reach out to Beth Kerrigan, VP of Advancement, at [email protected] or 843-556-6022.

Contact Us

Become a Member

Memberships fund research, historic interpretation and ensure the stories of those who helped shape Middleton Place continue to be told. Members enjoy discounts, exclusive invitations and free admission to many daytime events.

Learn More

Donations can also be mailed to:
    Beth Kerrigan, VP of Advancement
    Middleton Place Foundation
    4300 Ashley River Road
    Charleston, SC 29414

Please make checks payable to Middleton Place Foundation.
Federal Tax ID Number 57-0611604

If you have any questions, please contact Beth at [email protected] or call 843-556-6022.

To reach the Development Office about planned giving please contact:

Beth Kerrigan, Director of Development
[email protected], (843) 556-6020

To reach the Development Office about the Tree and Bench Programs please contact:

Beth Kerrigan, Director of Development
[email protected], (843) 556-6020

To reach the Development Office about Corporate Partnerships please contact:

Beth Kerrigan, Director of Development
[email protected], (843) 556-6020

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