Garden Lights tickets are on sale here. The Edmondston-Alston House will be closed for annual maintenance from February 5-14.

Middleton Scholars Education Assistance Fund Scholarship


Our nation grapples with its complex history that once, and at times still, favored some at the expense of others. In 2021, Middleton Place Foundation established the Education Assistance Fund to benefit the Middleton Place African American descendant community. The mission of the Middleton Place Foundation is to inspire positive change through gaining a deeper understanding of our shared American history.

The goal of the educational assistance fund is to support the recipients in building a better future through education; recognizing that education is essential for equality, independence, and financial stability.

This Fund is a catalyst to help leave the world in a better place for generations to come.


2022 Recipients

  • Geordan Collins, Rowan University
  • Ahjayla Davis, Trident Technical College
  • Kursten Griffin, Temple University
  • Amina Middleton, Sonoma State University
  • Christopher Middleton-Pearson, Oklahoma State University
  • Lionel Ray Robinson, Regent University
  • Senaxia Shields,Brooklyn College.
  • Ayanna Smith, Trident Technical College

2021 Recipient - Juanita Barr, University of Alabama

The Fund

The Middleton Place Foundation strives to foster engagement with Middleton Place and the descendant community. In addition to providing financial assistance, the Foundation plans to provide additional support such as mentorships, resume writing workshops and interview strategies.



In 2023, the Education Assistance Fund will be available to all descendants of the African American community that existed at Middleton Place or a property owned by a Middleton.

Candidates must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents and plan to attend a post-high school institution that offers a degree or certificate upon completion. Qualified institutions include trade schools, career colleges, two and four-year colleges and universities, and masters and doctoral programs.

In 2023, Education assistance will be provided to all eligible candidates, with a minimum of $2,000 awarded for tuition or other educational expenses. Awards are renewable on an annual basis.

Submission Requirements

The completed Candidate Information Sheet should be submitted by April 15, 2023. Awards will be announced in June 2023.

Please reach out to Brandon M. Stone at [email protected] for assistance.

Candidate Information Sheet

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