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Apr 02
Saturday 11 am-3 pm

Cashmere Goat and Bunny Grooming

Date: April 2, 2022
Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join Middleton Place’s spinner/ weaver as she demonstrates how to comb the animals for valuable fiber and spins yarn right off the bunny!

The demonstration will be held in Outdoor Education Center in the Stableyards at Middleton Place and is included with general admission.

Cashmere Goats

Cashmere goats are a special breed of fiber goat, renowned for their soft, fine wool. We comb them annually in spring and can use the fiber to make yarn. The breed originally comes from the region between Pakistan and India, in the Himalayan Mountains called Kashmir. In the mid-eighteen hundreds, Williams Middleton raised a variety of animals including sheep, water buffalo and goats. You can see these heritage breeds today, well cared for by the Stableyards staff.


Angora Rabbits

The fiber rabbit has long been prized for its soft, silky texture. Angora rabbit is a special breed sporting soft, very fluffy “wool”. It is one of the oldest domesticated breeds raised for its prize fur. Many hand spinners own at least one rabbit to supplement yarn making. These rabbits could be sheared but most spinners simply groom their rabbits, weekly, combing their coats to pluck the loose fiber. White or light-colored Angora rabbits are especially prized for the ease in absorbing colors with natural dyes. It’s a real treat to see an artisan “spin off the bunny”.


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