Garden Lights tickets are on sale here. The Edmondston-Alston House will be closed for annual maintenance from February 5-14.

Middleton Place Education Assistance Community Brew Project

Category: Uncategorized

As sailors and shipping merchants left the port of Charleston in search of food and likely an adult beverage, they would probably step into a Queen Street brewhouse owned and operated by Thomas Middleton. The mentioned “Carolina Beer” was brewed by an English brewer, Nathanial Scott, and was extremely popular. It was sold and transported throughout the bustling port city in all varying quarts, gallons, and barrels. Undoubtedly, a significant part of Thomas Middleton’s success is due to his role in the slave trade. Enslaved African and African American artisans would have constructed the barrels and kegs that held the beer and would also transport it around the port city. Historically, this beer is significant for many reasons. But today, the educationALE is vital because it brings our larger community together to discuss our shared history.

The Middleton Place Foundation is excited to collaborate with April Dove from Tha Community Brew and local craft beer leaders from Holy City Brewing. April has formulated a recipe to center our community’s attention around the Middleton Scholars Education Assistance Fund. The goal of this collaborative brew is to tie historically significant ingredients from the west coast of Africa and the colony of South Carolina. We aim to educate and inspire our community to donate to the education assistance fund.

The mission of the Middleton Place Foundation is to inspire positive change through a deeper understanding of our shared American history. In 2021, Middleton Place Foundation established the Middleton Scholars Education Assistance Fund (MSEAF) to benefit the Middleton African American descendant community, fostering engagement and recognizing that education is the foundation for equity and financial stability.

Participating bars and restaurants in Charleston will be donating $1 of every Holy City pint sold to the Middleton Scholars Education Assistance Fund. The goal of this fund is to build a foundation for equity and financial stability and to build a better future for all through education.


For more information about the Fund and to donate, click here 

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