The Middleton Place House Museum will be closed from January 21-31 for annual maintenance. The Edmondston-Alston House will be closed from February 5-14 for annual maintenance.

News: “50 Years of Stewardship”

Category: Uncategorized

Published in the Post and Courier, Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sidney Frazier, 50 years at Middleton Place, is at the heart of the operation

SUMMERVILLE — Sidney Frazier walks the grounds first thing most mornings gathering his thoughts, taking inventory, identifying issues in need of attention, greeting colleagues.
It’s a favorite part of his day, a chance to survey an important American landscape that for 50 years now he has nurtured and protected.
Fifty years at Middleton Place. Fifty years of historical preservation, making his own history as he went along. Fifty years of stewardship.
He greets colleagues and volunteers. He welcomes visitors. Sometimes he’s wearing a sports jacket because of upcoming meetings. Sometimes he’s prepared to touch the earth. Once in a while, he’ll hop onto a riding mower.

Officially, he is in charge of the historic site’s horticulture. But, really, he’s in charge of everything. It’s no exaggeration to say that Middleton Place is what it is today in large measure because of Sidney Frazier.

Read the entire article at the link below.

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